Understanding the Surgery

Neck lift procedures can be done with local anesthesia and intravenous (IV) sedation or general anesthesia. The extent of the procedure often determines which kind of anesthesia should be used. For the lower face/neck lift surgery, the incision begins in front of the ear lobe and loops in and around the ear and into the hairline behind the ear. For men, the incision is aligned to accommodate the natural beard lines. If a platysmaplasty, sub-mental liposuction or chin augmentation is performed, there will be an additional tiny incision under the chin for easy access. Length of time varies by procedure, and all surgeries are performed as an outpatient.


Chin liposuction. also called sub mental liposuction, is a safe procedure that creates a very aesthetically pleasing result. The procedure usually lasts less than an hour and can be done under local anesthesia, IV or general anesthesia. If you are having a procedure under local anesthesia, you may take some oral medication to help you relax. The neck is numbed with local anesthesia infiltrated with saline. A thin liposuction cannula is inserted into the tiny incision and uses high frequency oscillations and suction to remove the fat. The surgeon’s goal is to sculpt the fat gradually for best results, not to completely remove all of the fat. 
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